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¿ QUIZ ?

Yes or BSers, we have a little treat for you. 

This lockdown really does seem to be taking its toll, because it seems an awful lot of people are really enjoying the new season of the podcast. And some of you have even been getting in touch telling us you like to play along with the game as you listenAlas, there is no known cure for Yes or BS. But, for the time being—and to celebrate the podcast reaching its quarter-century this week—we can at least cure some of your coronavirus-induced boredom. 

You can already play along with the Yes or BS game, one unbelievable tale at a time, here. But now here’s something new: a quickfire quiz of 15 utterly random, unutterably unbelievable Yes or BS facts.

For the uninitiated, Yes or BS is a podcast of unbelievable trivia—only some of which, yes, is actually true, while the rest is total BS. All you have to do is decide what is fact and what is fiction. And in this quiz, the same rules apply

Let us know how you score over one our Twitter feed, @Yes_or_BSand good luck!


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